Creating the final standard
for identifying and managing artwork.
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Identify and manage artworks
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Internet 5.0 is moving faster than ever, and the art sector requires a unified public identity framework for artworks and cultural objects.
Currently, there is no universal system for identifying artifacts, unlike standardized identifiers for books (ISBN), stocks (CINS/CUSIP), or vehicles (VIN). L.ART by LutinX resolves this problem.
Internet 5.0 is moving faster than ever, and the art sector requires a unified public identity framework for artworks and cultural objects.
Currently, there is no universal system for identifying artifacts, unlike standardized identifiers for books (ISBN), stocks (CINS/CUSIP), or vehicles (VIN). L.ART by LutinX resolves this problem.
L.ART is for:


art collectors
and, with l.ART, you can have:
- Professional KYC for the entire Supply chain
- Unique ID /artwork
- Unique history /artwork
- Unique ownership list
- Unique record view
- Centralized information
- De-Centralized ID
- Globally verifiable
- Add notes to each artwork
- Add BBadges to each artwork
- Manage validators
- Customized legal notes
- Unique artwork ID
- Unique data system
- Art gallery & museum listing into the EdVerso Eco-System
- No data loss/distorsion
- No data duplication
- Native blockchain records
- Legal timestamps
- Single authorship certificate
- Create verifiable collections
- Create preview cards
- Manage values & taxes
- Manage rights
…and much more!
Every month, we plan to add new features
to simplify the system’s usability.
What we do
LAID (LutinX Art ID)
Unlocking Art & Collectibles with a Unified Public Identity
Revolutionize the way art and collectibles are managed, traded, and preserved with a unified public identity system. By establishing a standardized framework, we enable secure, transparent, and efficient interactions across the art ecosystem, bridging tradition with the digital future.
Authorship Certificate for Artwork Creators
Ensure authenticity and protect intellectual property with a verified Authorship Certificate. This certification validates the creator’s identity, offering indisputable proof of authorship while safeguarding the integrity and value of artworks in the digital age.
Art Management for Collections
Streamline the organization and oversight of art collections with ARTEM, the ultimate solution for art management. Designed for collectors, galleries, and institutions, ARTEM simplifies tracking, cataloging, and monitoring, ensuring seamless management of your valuable artworks.
The Art Sales Ecosystem
Empower your art transactions with ARTES, a comprehensive platform designed to support seamless artwork sales. From connecting buyers and sellers to managing secure and transparent transactions, ARTES revolutionizes the way art is bought and sold in the digital era.
What we use
KYC (Know your customer)
KYC for Artists, Galleries, and Collectors
Build trust and transparency in the art world with robust Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols. By verifying the identities of artists, galleries, and collectors, this system ensures secure interactions, reduces fraud, and fosters confidence across the entire art ecosystem.
Blockchain for Art – Timestamping and Immutable Data
Harness the power of blockchain to revolutionize the art world. With precise timestamping and immutable data storage, artworks and their associated lifecycle events are securely documented, ensuring authenticity, provenance, and trust for collectors, galleries, and institutions.
HOW IT works
(for authors)
1. Create your account
Unlock the full potential of our platform by creating your account today. Once registered, check your email, get your User ID, log in, and identify yourself! (you'll get the blue icon near your name, as in Instagram).
2. activate your license
You can use it for free, or you can activate your "Author" license by accessing your Profile Account and pressing "Add Code" in the left menu. Then, add the activation code 😉
3. Register your artwork
Press L.ART in the nine-pointers icon at the top right. Select FAST registration or FULL Registration. Upload your artwork file and fill in the fields. At the end, sign it and Deposit it.
4. Keep calm and relax
Well, Done!!! Inside your Booklet (nine-pointer icon at the top right), select Art and verify your registration. Manage it, Invite validators to increase the value of your job, share it, sell it, and be relaxed!
HOW IT works
1. Create your account
Create your business account. Once registered, check your email, get your User ID, log in, and identify yourself! (you'll get the blue icon near your name, as in Instagram).
2. activate your license
Access your Profile Account and press "Add Code" in the left menu. Then, add the activation code.
3. Claim artworks
Press L.ART in the nine-pointers icon at the top right. Select CLAIM, select your status (from the select box), and add the authors' or third parties' email, such as another art gallery, professional, or collector.
4. validate them
Based on your role, validate them and add your unique references and notes to the artwork booklet. ...
5. Manage & Share
6. Make profit
The future is now
Join us today
Protect your artworks today, and assign them a unique global ID.
The Innovation Revolution is started!
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for Authors only
LutinX, in partnership with EdVerso International, issues FOR FREE – FOREVER – the Author BBadge.

EdVerso presents the first International Registry of Authors, based on blockchain technology, KYC identity verification, and legally verifiable storage of created works.
Being a registered Author with EdVerso International adds value, reputation, and credibility to authors worldwide.
EdVerso does NOT engage in debt collection. The EdVerso Registry supports communities around the globe in protecting their members, not just in their country of residence.
Every L.ART author can get this annual FREE subscription at any moment or by using the below link on the button or directly inside your account.
EdVerso presents the first International Registry of Authors, based on blockchain technology, KYC identity verification, and legally verifiable storage of created works.
Being a registered Author with EdVerso International adds value, reputation, and credibility to authors worldwide.
EdVerso does NOT engage in debt collection. The EdVerso Registry supports communities around the globe in protecting their members, not just in their country of residence.
Every L.ART author can get this annual FREE subscription at any moment or by using the below link on the button or directly inside your account.
We work from Italy
throughout the world, with a clear and binding Code of Ethics.

At Lutin Art we adhere to the following ethical principles:
- Integrity
- Impartiality
- Confidentiality
- Correctness
- Professional competence
We protect the trust that the public, companies, associations, and institutions expect from us, concerning the information that we regularly publish to confirm the identity and value of the Accredited bodies.
We also regularly and randomly verify the Certifications of Competences issued within our EcoSystem, both towards educators and towards students and workers.
Questions & Answers
The following points represent the main questions, with answers, that new users ask or have asked us.
L.ART stands as the pioneering platform designed to streamline the management and certification of artworks, providing robust protection for artists, collectors, and industry professionals.
Serving as a “passport” for artworks, L.ART introduces an innovative system that validates information and documentation through collaboration with multiple experts. This ensures authenticity, provenance, and due diligence, fostering greater confidence within the art market.
With a commitment to privacy, security, and legal compliance, L.ART integrates advanced technologies like the KYC process for identity verification, blockchain for timestamp validation, and an AI to support authenticity checks, market insights, and collection management through its specialized Art services.
As a spin-off of, L.ART benefits from the expertise of a global leader in digital data certification. LutinX operates across five continents, serving over 100,000 users with cutting-edge solutions for securing and protecting all types of metadata.
We do not offer any NFT services.
However, authors, collectors, and third parties involved with NFTs can use L.ART to generate LAID Certificates for each artwork they own or manage.
L.ART, in combination with the ARTEM system, provides an excellent solution for tracking the complete history of each artwork, including exhibitions, significant events, and other crucial details.
L.ART leverages the LutinX Blockchain as an additional layer of verification through a “legally verifiable timestamp.” This feature ensures that a document—such as an Art Authorship Certificate—can be proven to have been created at a specific, immutable point in time, offering robust copyright protection against forgery and counterfeiting in the art world.
Privacy is a top priority. To safeguard our users, no personal data or artwork-related information is shared externally or stored on the network before encryption.
LutinX Blockchain technology operates through decentralized systems, creating a digital ledger that is verified globally. Once entered, the data is securely stored in cryptographic blocks, forming an unchangeable and traceable chain. This ensures the integrity of the information while upholding privacy and security.
Each transaction recorded on the LutinX Blockchain is encrypted and assigned a unique alphanumeric code that only the designated recipient can decrypt, ensuring both confidentiality and trust.
The “Validators” on the L.ART platform are verified and registered users, including artists, collectors, art galleries, public and private institutions, and other professionals qualified to confirm and validate information about artworks.
At L.ART, we believe that a work’s history is integral to its value. To support this, we have developed a unique system to trace the journey of each artwork, enhancing its authenticity while recognizing and elevating the contributions of all stakeholders who add historical, cultural, and economic significance.
Validators play a crucial role in this process. They confirm the details contained in the LAID Certificates based on their expertise. Their role is not to confirm or deny the authenticity of a work but to declare their involvement with the submitted artwork within their area of competence. This approach builds a robust reputation ecosystem surrounding each piece.
Participants such as framers, transporters, curators, critics, insurers, museums, institutions, fairs, galleries, and the artists themselves contribute to creating a comprehensive “passport” for the artwork. They certify specific sections and information based on their relevance, knowledge, and experience.
Validators are essential to L.ART’s ecosystem of trusted artworks. To ensure transparency and accuracy, L.ART conducts regular checks and implements best practices to maintain the integrity and reliability of its community.
Yes, it’s possible to share one or more artworks along with their associated information by inviting an external user to register on the platform for free. This allows them to view the details of the shared work.
Once the external user completes their registration, they can access the shared artwork through a simple interface in their area called “Add Code.” Here, they can connect their account to your artwork with just a few clicks, becoming a new Validator in the process.
Rest assured, no information beyond what you’ve provided—along with the reason for the request or invitation—will be sent via email. If the external user chooses not to register, no data will be shared with them. This ensures full control over your information while maintaining privacy.
ARTEM is an add-on to the L.ART platform, designed to help you manage your art collection and the information associated with your works. It allows you to track the certification status, review the details you’ve entered, update information, and add new pieces to your collection.
Through ARTEM, you can share information about your artworks externally, certify and download Authorship Certificates, modify existing details, and even sell your works or their Authorship Certificates.
For additional guidance, please visit the Help page on the L.ART platform.
The ART Booklet® is a patented feature within the LutinX platform, serving as a dedicated area where account holders can view all the artworks they have registered or purchased.
Within each section of the ART Booklet®, users can manage, share, update, and request validation for individual artworks, providing a comprehensive tool for maintaining and enhancing the value and authenticity of their collection.
L.ART FAST offers a simplified and efficient process for certifying and registering artworks on the platform, requiring only a reduced set of information.
By completing the fields in the L.ART FAST section or providing all required details, you can quickly obtain an Art Rights Certificate.
At any time, you can enhance or update the information by completing the full procedure, which includes over five sections for a more professional and detailed management of your collection. To do so, simply navigate to your “ARTEM,” select “work details,” and click “EDIT” from the action bar at the bottom.
The L.ART Certificate is a legally verifiable digital document that compiles all information provided by a KYC-verified user registered on the platform.
Structured into multiple sections, the certificate serves as a standardized protocol for exchanging detailed information about artworks, supporting due diligence and provenance efforts.
Each L.ART Certificate includes a unique Blockchain Tag, ensuring the secure and traceable identification of the individual artwork.
The L.ART TAG is integrated with our innovative blockchain system, linking the physical artwork to its corresponding LAID Certificate.
We incorporate unique identification data from IoT devices embedded in the artwork into the blockchain, or offer Digital Tags created through our patented system, effectively bringing the physical artwork into the digital network.
For more information about L.ART TAGS and DIGITAL TAGS, please contact our sales team.
The modifications will include the full copyright history, any legal variations in copyright assigned by the artwork’s owner, and the names of any new owners.
Additionally, it is possible to conceal certain data applied by validators from public view, ensuring privacy while maintaining transparency for the owner.
The artwork’s owner has complete access to the full history of the artwork, providing a comprehensive view of its journey and ownership.
L.ART, powered by technology, provides a trusted public system used across more than 30 countries and relied upon by over 100,000 users, including companies, institutions, public entities, students, and employees.
With over 5 years of experience, L.ART is a robust backbone system dedicated exclusively to the art world.
The L.ART Certificate legally identifies all parties involved—authors, collectors, museums, galleries, and anyone else wishing to be included in the artwork’s Booklet®.
The certificate is automatically generated based on the information provided by the author and any third-party validators. This information is compiled into a single PDF document and certified on the Blockchain, ensuring legal recognition.
The legal validity of the certificate is reinforced by the immutable nature of Blockchain technology, which is officially acknowledged for its timestamp and unalterable data creation.’s backbone system guarantees this legal validity, with all updates and details securely tracked through ARTEM, providing continuous management and verification for every artwork.
We trust that you will continue your subscription!
However, if you choose not to renew, you can still retain all the artworks in your ART Booklet® indefinitely, completely free of charge.
You’ll maintain access to your ART Certificates, as well as the ability to manage public and private visibility and share your works.
Please note that without renewal, you won’t be able to add new records, invite new validators, generate new timestamps or Blockchain certificates, or transfer your Ownership Certificate to third parties.
To regain full access to your artwork, a subscription renewal is required.
If you have granted validations to third parties, these will remain in the respective owners’ L.ART Certificates.
As an author, don’t miss the opportunity to manage your art collection. The author license can still be paid monthly, for less than the cost of one coffee per week.
EdVerso International is an independent entity based in Switzerland, operating internationally—currently in over 30 countries—with the mission to promote and develop culture, innovation, and employment through Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.
The mission is to foster a growing ecosystem of organizations and companies that provide verifiable digital credentials worldwide.
EdVerso’s goal is to create a secure and transparent platform for authors, artists, and creators, offering them the ability to protect and manage their intellectual property rights. The organization leverages cutting-edge technology to ensure that authorship can be validated and verified globally, helping creators gain recognition and safeguard their work.
To learn more, visit the Edverso website directly at
The Author Badge in EdVerso is a digital credential that serves as a verified symbol of an author’s rights and recognition within the EdVerso platform. It is a way to authenticate an individual as a legitimate creator within the EdVerso ecosystem, signifying that their intellectual property has been properly registered and validated.
Here are some key features of the Author Badge:
Proof of Authorship: The Author Badge verifies that the user is the registered author of the work in question, offering a secure means of proving ownership and intellectual property rights.
Enhanced Visibility: Authors with this badge are given greater visibility within the EdVerso platform, allowing others—such as collectors, institutions, and legal bodies—to easily identify recognized authors and their works.
Access to Exclusive Services: The Author Badge may grant authors access to additional services or features within the EdVerso ecosystem, such as enhanced legal protection, networking opportunities, and participation in global initiatives.
Trust and Credibility: By displaying the Author Badge, an author signals their credibility and commitment to protecting their intellectual property, building trust with other users and stakeholders within the EdVerso community.
Digital Certification: The badge is linked to a digital certificate that includes all relevant details about the author’s work, further enhancing the authenticity and verifiability of their intellectual property.
Blockchain Integration: If EdVerso integrates blockchain technology, the Author Badge and associated metadata may be secured through blockchain for an added layer of verification and protection.
International Recognition: Given EdVerso’s global reach, the Author Badge serves as a recognized symbol of authorship that can be acknowledged by other professionals and institutions around the world.
In short, the Author Badge in EdVerso serves as a form of digital identity and a guarantee of authorship rights, helping authors protect and manage their works within a trusted and internationally recognized system.
Blockchain for ART by